Slowly, painfully, the little gnome warlock picked herself up. The snow was cold and it bit at her as sharp as the dragonkin's talons had. In the moonlight it glistened silver, but she turned her head from it, not wanting to see the dark marring of the pristine blanket from her own blood.
It took her a long, long while to finally be able to stand, and even then she was rickety. Her gear was in tatters, and each puff of frosted breath hard and painful. The vale of Mazthoril fell down towards the caverns about her, and in the shadows, at the very edge of hazy vision she could see the shimmer of movement that was the sapphire and white protector of this land.
Very over-protective protectors.
Dissy was going to be very unhappy with her. She should have listened to the flightly succubus, who had tried to remind her that her sense of direction was that of a blind gnoll from Redridge with vertigo issues after being tossed about in a Silithus tornado and deposited in the Old Town section of Stormwind City.
Just before she stumbled into the den of dragonkin.
Slowly she pushed herself back through the Winterspring snows, favoring one leg, wading through the drifts, for whats up to most folks knees tended to bury her short stature.
Until ...
Cresting a hill, she had to stop.
The mountains here ... they were so much like home.
Black and silver and white, they rose above her, shrouded in argent, stepping back in deepening sillouettes until it was impossible to tell where the peaks ended and the midnight sky began. And deep winter, all above in a great curve so many stars sparkled, diamonds on velvet as far as one could see.
The wind which slipped through the pines was a gentle song, a melody wrapping about her.
She raised a torn sleeve to her eyes and rubbed them, until see should see clearly again.
There was the setting moon, its pale illumination sifting through the needled canopy in gentle beams, a pattern lain upon the snow like the finest quilt, sewn not by thread and fabric but by magic and light.
She pushed back her hat, to look again, with eyes wide.
"So ...
"So ... beautiful."
Breathless, lost in the forgotten valleys.
But something was missing. Something not there ...
She couldn't help but smile, as she drew on the very last reserves of her strength, knowing it would take her to her knees, but she'd get back up again. Eyes closed, to speak the words, to feel the circling energies of magenta. She reached out, to dare beneath the jealous watch of Those Who Should Not Be Spoken, to feel the heat of their fires and knowing if she got caught it would be her soul they'd burn. But through the twisting nether she sought, she hunted, she called out a name.
" ... Mezznuz ... Mezzy."
There was a roar, a sundering, the smell of magic and the weight of power as from the darkness the Voidwalker came forth, Mezznuz calling out to the night with a deafening roar. His bracers, raised as his talons cut through the air, sent reflections dancing through the sheltered copse as instinctively the fel demon searched for those who would hurt the one who summoned him.
And found just Nellisynthia.
Who hugged herself, simply looking forward.
"Isn't the moonlight pretty?"
The little lass looked shyly up to the big Voidwalker, the stars in her eyes sheltered by a spray of unkempt hair and a hat's floppy brim. A foot scuffed through the snow, humble, gentle and even coquettish.
"Walk with me?"
This was Nellisynthia's offering to the Earthen Ring Forum's "Write a Story About an Ability" thread, in which members of the realm were invited to write a few paragraphs that centered around one of your character's abilities.
ReplyDeleteNelli chose, of course, Summon Voidwalker.
Interestingly, of all the many contributions, hers is perhaps the only use of a skill ... not centered on combat.