Friday, January 2, 2009

Do You Remember?

"Do I remember?" 

The short warlock stood at the very edge of the aerie, looking out across the hustle and bustle of Shattrath. She rubbed one arm with her hand, still a touch sore from their latest dark venturings, rescuing Akama from his bindings, deep in Illidan's Temple. 

"Of course I do." 

She could help but smile, eyes closing for a moment. And for that moment, that heartbeat, it could have been then again. Upon those green hills, the air crisp, the sound of the water cascading over the Stonewrought Dam a low and constant grumble, like a dragon snoring in its sleep. 

"I was always one who went places before I should. But how could one not? Everything was new, and even the smallest of dangers was something to be reckoned with. Oh I know, folks look back now and laugh, they shake their head with a knowing smile ... forgetting that, even for them, there was a time when even the smallest of critters was a potential trip to the spirit healers. 

"You no take candle ..." 

Small shoulders shrugged, rustling her warlocky robes. 

"You know, to this day, I have no idea why he thought I'd even want his candle! It was just a candle ... they sell them by the ramload down in Thelsamar. Maybe it had some particular importance to him ... a symbol of rank, some rite of koboldish passage, or maybe he had had that candle ever since he was a ... uhm ... ah .. very small Kobold? 

"You no take candle ..." 

She shook her head, deep red pigtails swaying back and forth. 

"We had just met, you and I, finally. And we were where we really didn't belong. And still learning about each other ... 

"They ALL had candles they didn't want me to take. And all at once ... one got annoyed and then another and onother and it was like I had jostled a den of badgers and the whole herd of them wanted to bite at me. It looked like another visit to that really pretty lady down at the cemetary ... 

"And then you were there. 

"Between me and them. 

"Protecting me." 

"Do I remember?" 

Smiling, the warlock reached up, to touch bracers of gold and bluesteel, wrought with magic and dreams. She nodded to her companion, the big blue voidwalker. 

"Of course I remember. 

"That's when I knew we'd be best friends for life."

1 comment:

  1. There was a thread in the WoW General Forums, called Do You Remember. And of course its filled with little text bites ... like "Loot the Dog!" or "Tauren Mill is Under Attack" and that sort of thing.

    While it has a couple of Nelli/Mezzy continuity hiccups, this was my contribution to that thread.
